Mission: Do you recognize the devil?
Topic: The Faust Festival will take place in Munich from 23rd of Februar to 29th of Juli 2018. 100 days before the start, the initiator, Dr. Roger Diederen (Director Kunsthalle München), was a guest at Munich Speech.
Media-coverage: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/ein-kulturfestival-fuer-die-ganze-stadt-erkennen-sie-denn-den-teufel-1.3355747?reduced=true
"A drama, a city, hundred events". Roger Diederen had the idea for the Festival: Additionally to the exhibition „YOU are Faust – Goethe's drama in art“ at the Kunsthalle he invited the whole city to take part.Diederen and Gasteig-director, Max Wagner, who was enthusiastic about the idea, started a wave which now becomes bigger and bigger every day: more than 500 events are already planned.