Dietlinde Behncke

Cultural manager and journalist Dietlinde Behncke has for more than 20 years consulted companies building a bridge between economy and culture. She has been interested in a variety of subjects such as art, literature, theater, and opera since her youth. Ms Behncke has worked at several important institutions, like the Suhrkamp Publishing House, the cultural department of the ZDF headquarters in Berlin, the museum Deutsche Guggenheim and with renowned cultural managers such as Roman Soukup (former CEO of documenta X). The various stations in her career, including her master’s degree studies at Oxford University and INSEAD Business School, have not only provided her with a deep professional knowledge, but also with a broad network of contacts at her – and thus for her clients - disposal. She is an active member of many national and international circles of friends for art and culture.
Honorary position: Member of the advisory board of PIN. Friends of the Pinakothek der Moderne e.V. and founder of PIN.Young Circle in 2009. Head until end of 2012 with around 160 members (PIN.YC celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2021 (postponed due to Corona) with over 200 members).
- 2016 Relaunch of the agency under the name behncke communications
- 2014 Foundation of Munich Speech® (non-profit podium for contemporary topics from art, society and politics)
- Office move to Munich since 2004
- 1999 foundation of the agency stephan communications in Berlin
- Exhibition manager in Dresden/ Weimar in cooperation with Roman Soukup (Arts Management GmbH)
- INSEAD General Management Programm Leipzig and Fontainebleau, Paris
- Gallery Manager Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin
- Cultural editor ZDF-Landesstudio Berlin/ for ZDF, 3sat, arte
- Filmdirecting New York University
- M.A. in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (P.P.E.) with EU scholarship, Oxford University
- Volontary service (Neue deutsche Literatur, Lektor: Christian Döring) and editor series „st“ at Suhrkamp publishing house, Frankfurt a.M.
- Apprentice to a renowned bookshop Kaiser/ Goltz, Munich Marienplatz. Examined (Buchhandelskauffrau) by IHK